jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015


Hello readers!

These days we have been working on people who have been awarded with Nobel Prizes since 2002 in different categories, for example: physics, medicine, literature..

This time, our teacher has given us the work to write an article. First, we collected the information in groups about the Nobel prizes given in the last 14 years and now we are going to write each student a writing to refer one or two novel prizes.

I have chosen Mario Vargas Llosa because he won the nobel of literature in the year 2010, I had heard his name and I want to know for information about him.

Mario Vargas Llosa was born in 1936 in Arequipa, Peru’s second largest city. During his childhood in Cochabamba, Bolivia, and Piura, a city in the north of Peru, he believed that his father had died. However, this was a lie told by his mother to conceal their tortuous separation. The truth emerged when, in 1946, his father appeared unexpectedly to take him away from his mother’s parents, moving with him and his mother to Lima. This revelation signified an abrupt change in Vargas Llosa’s life, from the pampered upbringing of a feminine environment to the hostile treatment of an authoritarian father. At his side, he was to discover fear, injustice and violence for the first time.

During these years in which he left his childhood behind, devouring the works of Dumas and Victor Hugo, the political climate in Peru was a reflection of Vargas Llosa’s home life. The dictator Manuel Odría rose to power in 1948 and over the next eight years, while Vargas Llosa studied law and literature at the University of San Marcos, he imposed rigid controls on social life which stifled individuality, engendering scepticism, defeatism and frustration among Peruvians. This period later inspired his novel Conversation in the Cathedral, published in 1969.

Here his link.MARIO VARGAS

Nowadays, he is 79 years old, he won the nobel prize 2010 because "for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual's resistance, revolt, and defeat".Here you have the link of his video.

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2015


Hello reader!

In the previos essay I wrote about music, different types of music and groups, but know I am going to start speaking about social networks, such as, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER AND FACEBOOK

I am going to speak about the advantages and the disadvantages of this social networks.

On the one hand, in this websites you can share videos and photos but you must use thinking what are you doing because of many reasons, also you can find new people and chat with them, but they can see all the information that you have put in your perfil.They can know your age, your nationality.

To add something, we can say that some websites such as Facebook have games to play if you are bored, you can read what is happening in all the world.

You can learn languages, practiced..

Also, the websites are used for play but some factories have also a websites to

finance their products.Tenegers also used websites to flirting.

But also there are bad consequences, the first and the important disadvantage is that your password can be known and they can enter into your account and do what ever they want but they have good security in another things .Another bad consequence of this websites is that you have less time to do your things in your life, it takes you a lot of time and also some people prefer to play in social networks than meet with they friends.

In this websites you can chat with friens or with people that aren´t from here that they haven`t your nationality.This is the difference between a tradiotional friend and with a friend of social websites.If you are speaking with your friend that you know him as a person you can have a good confidence.On the other hand, with a friend that it is from the social websites, it isnt very confidence because you don´t know him as a person so his identity can be false, so I recomend you to not speak with people that you haven`t know him as a person.

To continue with, we can say that the security of this social websites is not so bad, you should put a very difficult password, very occasionaly they ask you about your telephone number to garanty your security,for example, if you are doing a gmail account you will see that it is going to recomend you to put a difficult password with more than 8 characters, with number, with capital letters.....Also, we can follow a famouse person but it is possible that it is with a false identity so don`t follow people that you don`t know them. To finish with I have to say that there are some applications of Instagram to get more likes and get more seguidors, but I think that with that application people of all the world can follow you and that for you it would be bad if you want to garanty your perfile.

To finish with, I have to say that this social websites I like them, but It takes you time so you must control your studies for example.

There are good application to inform about what is happening in the world such as twitter, so I recomend you to do a account of twitter but you only have to put your name and surname, no photos, no your nationality, your age....

Here you have to twitter direction TWITTER