Hello and welcome to the new blog of Ander. Today I am going to start writing different type of music and why I listen to music?
I like listen to music because is the only way to relax. Music is form by a composition and playing instruments.
I have to say my favorite group of music is of Ska. The group is call Vendetta.This group was formed in 2009, by Javier Etxeberria and Luisillo Kalandraka, that they are musicians with a long national and international career. When vendetta was made, they recorded and published their first new album called "VENDETTA". Since 2009 the second album was made in 2011 called "PURO INFIERNO". During the year 2011 they went playing around the world, Germany, Switzerland...
After this they recorded another album and they put salling. It was called "FUIMOS Y SEREMOS" and the last album that they have done is called "13 BALAS"Nowadays they have 4 albums that I say. I started listening this music because I found on YouTube,
I listened one song and it makes me beautiful. I go one year listening this music and in August 24 they played in Ibarra, it was very important concert so I went there. If you are interesting with Vendetta here you have their blog VENDETTA . As you can see in the following picture are singer's from VENDETTA.
The following link that I will put is when Vendetta played in Tolosa, in kilometroak Ahora!!VENDETA´S CONCERT
Another favourite group of music is of Rock. This group is call Gatibu. It was made in 2002 in Gernika-Lumo and they are 4 persons in the group. Alex Sardui is the singer, Gaizka Salazar plays the batery, Mikel Caballero plays the bass guitar and Haimar Arejita plays different types of guitar, according to the sing.THE SINGER´S OF GATIBU .
In this 13 years they have recorded 6 discs. the first called "ZORAMENA" was recorded in 2002 when the year that was formed Gatibu. Another disc called "DISKO INFERNU" was recorded and it was selling throw the year 2005. In 2008 they put on sale another disc called "LAINO GUZTIEN GAINETIK, SASI GUZTIEN AZPITIK".We can say that when Gatibu formed they were always rehearsing so they put on sell less discs than nowadays because throw the year 2008-2010 they recorded another disc called "ZUZENEAN BIZITZEKO GOGOA" and another in 2012 called "ZAZPI KANTOIETAN" as I commented when Gatibu was made they always dedicated to rehears but if you take to account in 2 years they put on sale the last cd called" EURITAN DANTZAN" this disc is better than the others so is more moved around the world.
If you want to listen or download the music of Gatibu here I will give you their blog GATIBU . As you can see in the following picture this are singer's from GATIBU. The following video that I am going to put is from kilometroak of TOLOSA where Gatibu was playing to help Basque´s Schools.GATIBU´S CONCERT
I would say that if we take to account the type of music my favourite group of SKA is Vendetta and from rock Gatibu. I have already been in a concert of Gatibu and I as said before in August Vendetta came to Ibarra.
Also I have to say that this two groups are from Basque Country. They are expanding around the world so that is very good notice for as.
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